Innovative product musings

Product innovation - part art, part science. When done right, it creates leverage, enabling innovations in small teams to shift entire industries.

Bright light redefind - the Ayrton Magicpanel-FX

It's not often I get seriously impressed by new light fixtures but at Prolight & Sound in Frankfurt last week, it happened.

French company Ayrton presented their Magicpanel-FX - and OMG it is bright! Not only that, it features a whopping 15:1 zoom range, going from 3.5° up to 52°.

Each of the 25 beefy lenses has a very chunky RGBW emitter, taking the total power up to 900W.

Well done, Ayrton, very well done!

ETC looking 4WRD - to an LED bulb!

Seems the rumors were true - ETC are introducing a $599 "LED bulb" for their massively successful Source Four range (1.7 million sold they say).

Link to YouTube clip

So yes, the lamp costs more than the typical ETC Source Four fixture but draws 1/3 of the power and should last a lot longer (one assumes - no figures provided at the time of this writing).

Now, does it dim to a nice warm glow like its filament ancestor? Probably not but it is still a very substantial achievement by ETC.

Well done guys!!

Massive LED source - 2400W / 230.000 lumens

Manufacturer Flip Chip Opto has introduced a very impressive LED source, the Apollo 2400.

It is based on 'flip chip' technology and a third "leg" on each device that makes for much improved heat dissipation, bringing the thermal resistance down to 0.003°C/W - a very low figure indeed, making cooling of this 2400W monster possible without extreme measures.

The diameter of the emitting area (the yellow part) is 106mm.

More data available here.

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